Sanctuary Missionaries of Divine Mercy

We are a religious association of missionaries committed to manifesting the love and mercy of God through prayers, pastoral services, apostolate of presence to the needy, and immigrants.

Our Mission

Make the world a better place and win your dreams.
We promote the Catholic social justice teachings, support for immigrants, educational and health services to the needy

Our Vision

To sanctify the world with our prayers. We promote the glory of God through works of mercy and charity by enhancing the dignity of human life, peace, and social justice.


Sanctuary Missionaries of Divine Mercy is a Religious Association of missionaries comprising nuns, priests, and the lay faithful who work together to promote Catholic social justice teachings through apostolates of mercy and charity. United by our baptismal and evangelical vows, we are committed to bringing God's presence to the needy. Our apostolates of presence know no boundaries. We respond according to the unique needs of each local community where we are.

Inspired by the Divine Mercy and the Mother of Mercy, we bring support to the poor and needy around us. These include but are not limited to, children from indigent homes, orphans, the sick, immigrants, the homeless, victims of conflicts, and human rights abuses. In pastoral ministry, our missionaries participate actively in faith formation for children and young adults, to enhance early grassroots evangelization for the young. This ministry includes counseling and faith sharing for the young.

Working in a collaborative mission with other religious bodies, the Sanctuary Missionaries of Divine Mercy provide support to about 50 thousand beneficiaries in about 10 countries of the world. These comprise children, orphans, displaced families, refugees, immigrants, the sick, the aged, women, and young adults in conflict areas.

Please join us to be part of the divine mission in worship of God and service to humanity.

  • We are missionaries across different countries.

    We promote worship of God and personal encounter with the Eucharistic Jesus.

  • We bring the presence of God to the poor, needy and less privileged.

    We teach religious education and the values of sanctity and peace among young people.

  • We promote life and human dignity.

    We build peace amidst conflicts, and train peacemakers in communities.

  • We bring God’s presence and support to immigrants.

    We advance strategies of human development for people, especially women and youths.